July 8, 2024

Two New Seller-Level Dashboards Now Available in MBS Clarity

The latest Clarity release helps you more easily separate active and retired deals and renames two dashboards.

May 20, 2024

May 2024 Clarity Updates

The latest Clarity release helps you more easily separate active and retired deals and renames two dashboards.

March 11, 2024

March 2024 Updates to Clarity

The latest Clarity release includes revamped CRT and MBS landing pages, new CRT dashboard bookmarks and new and enhanced MBS dashboards.

November 20, 2023

November 20, 2023 Enhancements

Learn about updates to the Proxy Cohort and Cumulative Loss dashboards (CRT) and an update to the Cohort-Level Prepayments report (MBS).

September 23, 2023

September 23, 2023 Enhancements

In the latest round of Clarity Data Intelligence (Clarity) updates, we’ve enhanced the way you use our Historical dashboards.

September 11, 2023

Freddie Mac Introduces a New Prepayment Dashboard in Clarity

Read about Clarity’s newest dashboard for MBS, the Prepayment Heatmap, and how it can help you see how prepayment speeds are changing from the previous month.

JULY 21, 2023

July 21, 2023 Enhancements

Clarity deployed the latest version on July 21, 2023. The latest enhancements make it easier to analyze mortgage insurance and to compare performance on the CRT dashboards.

NOVEMBER 18, 2022

November 18, 2022 Enhancements

Clarity deployed the latest version on November 18, 2022. This rebuild helps us align with Freddie Mac’s corporate standards, better manage user experience and traffic, and build a framework for future customization. As a result, users are now required to have an account to access Clarity’s dashboards in addition to the loan-level download functions. We also have a number of changes and enhancements such as locked columns and rows on dashboards, quick access descriptions, a new charts dashboard and more.

If you do not currently have a login for loan-level download, you will need to register and create the necessary login to get access to the Clarity dashboards, starting November 18, 2022.

DECEMBER 2, 2021

December 2, 2021 Enhancements

Clarity Enhancements released on December 2, 2021 include two new CRT deal dashboards (Performance Charts and Preliminary Prepayment), added functionality within the Transition Matrix deal dashboard and the Severity Details historical dashboard, as well as new deal dashboard filters (Loan Status, MI Type, MI Cancel) and new historical dashboard filters (ACE, Home Possible).

OCTOBER 4, 2021

October 4, 2021 Enhancements

Clarity Enhancements released on October 4, 2021 include first-ever functionality to download CRT loan-level disclosure data directly from Clarity.

JULY 12, 2021

July 12, 2021 Enhancements

Clarity Enhancements released on July 12, 2021 include added functionality to Deal Overview & Compare, Dual Variable Stratification and Deal Dashboard, as well as three new CRT dashboards: Cumulative Performance, Investor Types and Unique Investors.

MAY 27, 2021

May 27, 2021 Enhancements

Clarity Enhancements released on May 27, 2021 include added functionality to the Delinquency Matrix, Transition Matrix and Delinquency Dashboard, as well as new data download capabilities on the Clarity homepage.