The offering circulars below should be read in conjunction with our recent MBS Announcements at: In addition, offering circulars for multifamily securities should be read in conjunction with our recent announcements at:


The below offering circulars and their corresponding supplements are general prospectuses. Please visit Security Lookup to attain security specific supplements. For guidance on required legal documentation, visit Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association. Please follow links to SIFMA Services Standard Forms/Documentation. Freddie Mac adopted trust agreements for its mortgage securities on December 31, 2007.

Prior versions of documentation are available on the Historical Legal Documentation page.

Uniform Mortgage-Backed Securities™ (UMBS®) and Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS)

  1. UMBS and MBS Master Trust Agreement July 30, 2022
  2. Offering Circular for UMBS and MBS April 17, 2024

Supers®, Giant Mortgage-Backed Securities (Giant MBS™) and Other Pass-Through Certificates

  1. Pass-Through Certificates Master Trust Agreement April 30, 2019
  2. Offering Circular for Supers, Giant MBS and Other Pass-Through Certificates January 10, 2024

Exchange Offer Circular

  1. Exchange Offer Circular May 8, 2019
    Appendix II - Mirror Certificates Master Trust Agreement
  2. Mirror Certificates Master Trust Agreement March 26, 2019
    Appendix III – Mirror Certificates Offering Circular
  3. Mirror Certificates Offering Circular April 12, 2019
  4. Offering Circular Supplement (to Offering Circular dated 04-12-19) June 16, 2021

UMBS Mirror Certificates™, MBS Mirror Certificates™, Supers Mirror Certificates™ and Giant MBS Mirror Certificates™ (Mirror Certificates)

  1. Mirror Certificates Master Trust Agreement March 26, 2019
  2. Mirror Certificates Offering Circular April 12, 2019
  3. Offering Circular Supplement (to Offering Circular dated 04-12-19) June 16, 2021

Mortgage Participation Certificates (PCs)

  1. PC Master Trust Agreement July 30, 2022
  2. Offering Circular for Mortgage Participation Certificates May 17, 2024

Giant PCs® and Other Pass-Through Certificates

  1. Pass-Through Certificates Master Trust Agreement March 1, 2019
  2. Offering Circular for Giant and Pass-Through Certificates July 1, 2024

Multiclass Certificates (REMIC and MACR)

  1. Multiclass Certificates Master Trust Agreement May 1, 2023
  2. Offering Circular for Multiclass Certificates (REMIC and MACR) May 1, 2023

Multifamily Mortgage Participation Certificates

  1. Multifamily PC Master Trust Agreement May 3, 2021
  2. Multifamily I-REMIC Master Trust Agreement May 3, 2021
  3. Offering Circular for Multifamily Mortgage Participation Certificates June 28, 2023

Multifamily M Certificates (TEBS)

  1. Class A Multifamily M Certificates Offering Circular July 12, 2024
  2. Class A Taxable Multifamily M Certificates Offering Circular July 12, 2024

Multifamily Pass-Through Certificates (including K-Deals®)

  1. Multifamily Pass-Through Certificates Master Trust Agreement February 23, 2017
  2. Multifamily Pass-Through Certificates Master Trust Agreement Amendment March 1, 2019
  3. Giant and Other Pass-through Certificates Offering Circular August 2, 2023

Multifamily WI Certificates (When-Issued K-Deal®)

  1. Multifamily WI Certificates Master Trust Agreement September 14, 2021
  2. WI Certificates (Multifamily) Offering Circular December 11, 2023

Multifamily ML Certificates

  1. Multifamily ML Certificates Offering Circular October 7, 2020
  2. Taxable Multifamily ML Certificates Offering Circular October 7, 2020

Multifamily Multiclass Certificates (REMIC and MACR)

  1. Multifamily Multiclass Certificates Master Trust Agreement November 18, 2019
  2. Multifamily Multiclass Certificates Offering Circular November 18, 2019
  3. Offering Circular Supplement (to Offering Circular dated 11-18-19) December 1, 2023