Freddie Mac provides a tax reporting service for registered holders of its Single-Family and Multifamily REMIC residuals via their respective electronic portals. Holders may utilize these sites to access quarterly tax reporting information (Schedule Q’s – 1066Q) in either a PDF (Portable Document Format) or CSV (comma-separated value) format by year and quarter for periods in which they are a holder. Registration Instructions and links to both sites are provided below.

If any additional information is needed, please e-mail [email protected]

Single-Family REMIC residuals:


Access the electronic Schedule Q portal.

Portal Log In

If your organization is a Single-Family REMIC residuals holder and are not registered with Freddie Mac to access this portal, you may do so by following the link below where sign up instructions are provided:

Single-Family Schedule Q Portal Registration Instructions

Multifamily REMIC residuals:


Access the electronic Schedule Q portal.

Our website is improving security by implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). To continue accessing the ISSP webpage, please complete the MFA enrollment process.

For full details and instructions, please visit

Portal Log In

If your organization is a Multifamily REMIC residuals holder and are not registered with Freddie Mac to access this portal, you may do so by following the below instructions:

  1. Complete the Web Site User Agreement
  2. Complete the Form W-9
  3. Email both documents to [email protected]
  4. Your registration status will be emailed to the email address provided within 5   business days.
  5. Electronic Schedule Q Portal User Guide
  6. Electronic Schedule Q Portal FAQs
  7. Electronic Schedule Q CSV file layout